Friday, July 6, 2012

Boilermaker prep

Sunday is the Boilermaker and this will be my second time running the famous 15K.

I feel a bit unprepared for this race. Since the marathon, I have not had a strong running plan and I have just been running to run. During the last few weeks, I have thrown in some long runs, but I have to admit that I am kind of winging it.

But that's okay. Not every race needs a plan. My only hope is that I beat my time from last year. (Last year's time was 1:37: 28). I will be happy with 1:35. We will see what happens.

This year the plan is to leave early. Departure time is 4:45 AM. Eeeeks! Yes, that is an early day. Luckily, this race is packed with fun entertainment, cheering crowds and great energy. So it's easy to get through it.

Stay tuned for my post-race report on Monday!

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