Sunday, July 25, 2010

A tentative goal

I am contemplating setting a new goal.

That goal would be to run a 10k in September. Yes. You read that right. A 10K. Not a 5k. A 10K - as in 6.2 miles. I really wonder if I can do it. My idea was to perfect the 5K. As in - get really comfortable with running 3.1 miles. I wanted to just make sure that I could run 3.1 miles easily. I wanted to get really fast and really good before I went ahead and tried to run farther.

I can realistically run 4 miles. I haven't done it yet. However, I have run 3.5 and I know I could add another 1/2 mile on there and make it an even 4 miles. But the thought of running TWO more miles after that is just nuts. It seems so far. Can I do it?

The 10K is in September. The problem is that it's the weekend that Brian and the guys are going camping. I really am not sure if I want to run a 10K race without him there. I mean - I could run it without him. But I am just weird like that. I want him there to support me. The other issue is what to do with the kids. If Brian isn't home - then I have the kid issue to contend with. Anyway - I guess I will keep training and see what August brings. If I can keep increasing my runs - then I guess I could work up to 6 miles. Time will tell.

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