Sunday, April 17, 2011

Celebration weekend

It was a weekend of celebrations. My birthday. Our anniversary. It was just one thing after another. Dinner with friends on Friday night. Dinner out on Saturday night. A home-made dinner at home tonight.

It was all good. One thing that hasn't been good is that I have totally slacked off with my running. I should have run today. But instead I ate birthday cake that my mom made and stuffed myself with filet mignon for dinner that Brian made. I just didn't have it in me to run.

But I am all business starting this week. Yup. I have a new training plan that will get me through my 5K's that I have signed up for.I kind of felt lost before. I was just running with no purpose - not sure how to get my speed up. Or how far I should run. Thanks to Felice, I now have a new running plan with some speedwork mixed in. I have never done any official speedwork before. But now I am ready! Yes, I am! And now that I have studied my plan a litte bit mre in depth - I have even noticed that Felice has me running FOUR times a week instead of three. That sneaky Happy Runner. She is so silly like that. Sneaking in a fourth run. Imagine that!

Anyway - I am ready to go. No more slacking. Birthday and anniversary celebrations are over. And now it's time to get down to business!

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