Anyway - reflecting back on the year, I wanted to tally all the races that I completed. A lot of runners take time to make goals and then point out which goals they actually accomplished. This is something that I have not done in the past and I want to start doing it going forward. And, I am!
In 2011, I ran 11 races. I guess that is not a ton throughout a 12 month period. However, keep in mind that I was training for my first half marathon during the first 4 months of the year so my goal wasn't to race during that time period. These stats are according to Athlinks and it might not have captured all of my races. So I am wondering if I am missing any? Anyway - here's what I got:
I ran:
3.5 miler - (2) - New Year's Winter Series and Corporate Challenge
10 miler (1) - Clove Run
13.1 (2) - Schroon Lake and Queens
10K (1) - Winter Series at Suny
15K (2) - Boilermaker and Stockadathon
5K - (3) - Turkey Trot, Freihofers, Last Run
So what are my goals for 2012?
Well... that's a good question!
I guess my first goal is to complete and FINISH my first FULL marathon! Yes. I think that's a pretty hefty goal and that alone would probably be enough. However, I do have a few other goals up my sleeve.
So here they are:
- Run my third half marathon. Ironically this is happening TOMORROW on New Year's Day at Suny Albany. Funny how this is turning out to be not a big deal. I am just trying to get a long run in and a bunch of people are running it - so I guess I am too!
- Run the Boilermaker again and improve my time.
- Run the Hudson River Mohawk Half Marathon in October. This is a local race so it would be nice to run a half marathon in my hometown and have my family there.
- Register for the NYC marathon. (Of course this doesn't mean I will get in. But I will register and try! Imagine if I get in???? I guess then I will be running TWO marathons in one year. (Yeah. I guess I will cross that bridge if that happens).
- Continue to run 5K's and improve my time.
So there you have it. Happy New Year!
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