Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful day.
After mass, and brunch with my parents, I ended up taking a nap.
Yawn...I do love my naps.

Then, I woke up and Brian and the kids put the second square foot garden together, and then I ran a speedy 6 miles. (Well - speedy for me! I ran at 9:56 pace). It was a nice way to wrap up the day. Plus, my new running shoes arrived - so I was able to break them in.

I am going to try and slow down on my running this week since I have my big 20 miler on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about this 20 miler. I want it to get here so I can get it over with. And I want it to come so I can prove to myself that I can actually run 20 miles. And yet, I am dreading it because I know it's going to hurt. And I know it's going to take at least 3 1/2 hours. Once my 20 mile  torture run is over, it will be smooth sailing until May 6th. My last two long runs will consist of a 13 miler and a 10 miler. Easy!

Have a great week!

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