Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am not sure what the deal is over here in the Graber household. Aidan has had a fever since Wednesday. On Friday I took him to the doctor. The diagnosis was that he had a cold, along with some fluid in his ears and a nasty red throat.

The doctor gave us some antibiotics that he needs to take one time a day for 5 days. Today is Sunday. We are on day 3 and I am not seeing any major improvment. He has had a fever off and on all day, and now he has a nasty cough and a runny nose. I just wish the fever would go away. Right before I put him to bed I took his temp again. It was normal. So- hopefully the fever has broken and he is on the road to recovery.

One other thing - he broke out in a rash today. After some research on the antibiotic that he is taking - it turns out that one of the side effects is a rash. UGH! Poor baby. I am ready for this to be gone!

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