Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Save some money on your cable

I recently read an article on how you can save money on your cable bill. The article suggested that you call your cable company and ask them if there is any way to cut back.

I was skeptical at first. After all - aren't cable prices firm? Is there room for negotiation with Time Warner? Really? Could I do this?

I called Time Warner and asked them if there was any way that I could save some money on our cable bill. The nice Time Warner lady told me that they had a special promotion going on where I could get one of my DVR boxes for free for 6 months. Okay, okay. I know, it's not a big deal - but it did save us $11 per month. That's not so bad - right?

And I already have it on my calendar that in 6 months when that deal is up, I will call Time Warner again and see what other promotion they have going on.

Pretty nifty - huh?

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