Thursday, February 27, 2014


It was probably about a year ago that my friend Felice introduced me to the wonderful world of Zappos. Sure - I had heard of it before. But I never really shopped there and I didn't know much about it. That is until Felice showed up at a girl's night out one night with some awesome jeggings. And I mean they were awesome. They fit her perfectly and they were denim material. They looked fabulous with her boots and an over-sized shirt.

I needed a pair. Where or where did she get those fab pants?
I asked.
She answered.


Oh my. Yes. I was about to be a jegging copycat. Did that break the cardinal rule of friends? Can friends copy clothing? Well, hell if I know. But I was about to do just that. (In all fairness, I did ask her permission.)

The best part about Zappos is they have free shipping. Both ways. That, my friends, clinched the deal.

If anyone knows me  - they know I am a return freak. I buy things. I bring them home. I try them on at home and then I end up taking most things back. I just can't decide. I can't commit. I change my mind when I get the stuff home. I think that it looked good in the dressing room. Then somehow it doesn't look as good when I get home. So returning is my saving grace for how I shop. Let's just say that I make sure to keep my receipts.

So the fact that Zappos has free shipping both ways...Well - that just saves me a whole bunch of time. Basically I can shop online. And then return what I don't want. I simply print the label. Slap it back on the box and drop it off at the UPS store. Done.

My secret is that I order multiple items in multiple sizes. This works really well for any type of jeans. It is so hard to shop for jeans. How many jeans does the average person try on before they find ones that they like? With Zappos, I simply ordered a whole bunch in all different sizes, styles, and all different shades of denim. They arrived within 2 days. I tried them on. Kept what I wanted. Shipped the rest back. How easy is that?

So that's how I shop these days.

Jeans, bathing suits, boots, a cute top. Zappos is my go-to store online.

How awesome is that?

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